tirsdag den 8. november 2011


“War, war never changes”; is the first thing that comes to my mind when war is mentioned. But whether it does take more than just a quote to estimate, is a bit more complicated is it not?

The above is a great example on the 21st century’s problem, when it comes to war among every other subject. Even though it’s said that we’re living in an individualistic age, we all tend to be very affected by everyone else’s opinions. These opinions are often borrowed from a person with a good-looking title, because such people give us arguments and statements that are easy to handle and outwardly trustworthy. The media and the politicians cooperate to get the right opinions across, at least those that are correct according to the politicians; this is also known as official inspiration throughout the media.

But why is it that we don’t search for our own opinions? I imagine that it first of all has to do with being pressured into taking a stand on a subject, that the common citizen simply don’t know enough about to form arguments for and against, and thereafter take a decision on the specific subject or situation. Therefore it seems easier to take another person’s opinion and use that, because it already is carefully considered. Secondly I believe that has to do with being afraid of an attack from people surrounding you, who believe otherwise and are able to overwhelm you with their opinion; that might be even more thought through than the one you’ve created. But in the end I think it all comes down to a lack of believe in one’s own fundamental positions and doubt in one’s judgement.

The freedom of the press and journalism is overestimated, in my opinion, and the overall line of it has changed. Journalism is not what it used to be, even though there still might be a few decent people left out there. The problem is, that there has to be someone to put what they find in the media, and someone else is controlling and paying for it all. When it comes to war, I’ve been presented for several examples of official influence, spinning, illusions, manipulating live reception and/or interviews that has filmed a scene set for a “made-for-television-moment” and forced associations. All this is what the media wants us to see. War is no longer about facts; it’s about public relation. The media is able to create a symbol for a certain thing through the angle the story is told from, to create associations. The media is able to separate something from its real meaning and rap it in corruption and spinning until the truth no longer matters. But at the same time we have to be aware of the fact that we as citizens in a media-controlled society have a responsibility as well. It’s not only unfair but way to easy at the same time, to only blame the media for the corruption of the truth. In entertainment we don’t demand anything but emotional porn and staging; the same thing counts in the news, because many people regard that as entertainment as well. Do we have the right to complain, as long as we get what we’ve asked for?

I personally try to avoid the affection of the media circus and take my own stands. That’s what I’ve done on the subject of war. Way too many people have a twisted idea about going to war. Through a lot of movies, music and other sorts of media; it’s staged as cool to be a warrior or soldier. To fight for one’s country and believes is tough and brave, but that is no longer what war is about. It’s about power lusty dictators sending young men to the battlefield to die for a meaningless purpose. You’d think that in a modern world the population would be able to discuss and negotiate instead of screaming, threatening and killing, but that’s apparently not the case.

Terrorists are nearly the only idealists left in the world that is sad for sure. Maybe it takes a little everyday-idealism from the rest of us to end the War of Terrorism. We are weak and our actions are paralyzed. I’d like to make a difference; maybe some other day.

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