We would like to start out by describing what kinds of weapons which were used in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War is known for a lot of different weapons, but we think the most known weapon is Agent Orange, which is an herbicide. They primarily used Agent Orange as a poison gas, to destroy the leaves of all the plants and trees. This was to help the helicopters spot the enemy’s supply routes. But this gas didn’t only destroy all the leaves, it also affected humans so it was basically a very brutal way to drive a war. But not to forget Agent Orange wasn’t the only weapon the US forces used against the Vietnamese forces. Another also well known weapon was the napalm bombs. Napalm is a very brutal and cruel weapon. It’s a bomb which is dropped off from planes. Napalm is a substance which doesn’t need oxygen to burn, and it’s very sticky when it’s mixed with gasoline, together this makes a bomb which won’t stop burning anything in its way. Many women and children were seriously burned from these kinds of bombs. Many other weapons were also used during the Vietnam War, but we choose to describe these weapons for you because we think these were the most unique weapons used in this war.
"Agent Orange"
After the unwelcome war in Vietnam in the 1960s a lot of Vietnamese have been affected by the chemicals used to kill the leaves on the trees so the American soldiers could find the hidden Ho Chi Minh supply lines back in the 1960s. Today several millions of people still suffer from the infamously known chemical agent - Agent Orange. Vietnamese women are giving birth to babies with birth defects that can be directly tracked to this chemical. 10% of Vietnam’s landmass was sprayed intensively with 72 million litres of chemicals, 66 % of those chemicals were Agent Orange, this agent was sprayed over the country and continue going into the soil, through the water into the food chain, and started to effect more people, and giving them serious health problems. And it has effected many generations in Vietnam. Children are born limbless or with Down’s syndrome, and deformity as seen in the picture below, simply dead born, or not in any way capable of having a life. And even this generation are still being poisoned by the Agent. Back in 2003 reporters claimed that 650.000 Vietnamese were suffering from chronic diseases, because of the toxics dropped back in the war, and 500.000 claimed to have died because of the health problems created by the chemical weapons dropped by the US.
This is our common shared problem!
Knowing this, can it really be true that we the humans are capable of such things? And even though we have laws forbidding it, what prevents extremists from, making chemical agents and using them on me, on you or anyone else, to spread fear throughout the world? We need more security when it comes to this; we need to be sure that no living creature will suffer now or in the future.
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SvarSletChemical Weapons in the Vietnam War
SvarSletWeapons of the Vietnam War
We would like to start out by describing what kinds of weapons which were used in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War is known for a lot of different weapons, but we think the most known weapon is Agent Orange, which is an herbicide. They primarily used Agent Orange as a poison gas, to destroy the leaves of all the plants and trees. This was to help the helicopters spot the enemy’s supply routes. But this gas didn’t only destroy all the leaves, it also affected humans so it was basically a very brutal way to drive a war.
But not to forget Agent Orange wasn’t the only weapon the US forces used against the Vietnamese forces. Another also well known weapon was the napalm bombs. Napalm is a very brutal and cruel weapon. It’s a bomb which is dropped off from planes. Napalm is a substance which doesn’t need oxygen to burn, and it’s very sticky when it’s mixed with gasoline, together this makes a bomb which won’t stop burning anything in its way. Many women and children were seriously burned from these kinds of bombs.
Many other weapons were also used during the Vietnam War, but we choose to describe these weapons for you because we think these were the most unique weapons used in this war.
"Agent Orange"
After the unwelcome war in Vietnam in the 1960s a lot of Vietnamese have been affected by the chemicals used to kill the leaves on the trees so the American soldiers could find the hidden Ho Chi Minh supply lines back in the 1960s. Today several millions of people still suffer from the infamously known chemical agent - Agent Orange. Vietnamese women are giving birth to babies with birth defects that can be directly tracked to this chemical.
10% of Vietnam’s landmass was sprayed intensively with 72 million litres of chemicals, 66 % of those chemicals were Agent Orange, this agent was sprayed over the country and continue going into the soil, through the water into the food chain, and started to effect more people, and giving them serious health problems. And it has effected many generations in Vietnam. Children are born limbless or with Down’s syndrome, and deformity as seen in the picture below, simply dead born, or not in any way capable of having a life. And even this generation are still being poisoned by the Agent. Back in 2003 reporters claimed that 650.000 Vietnamese were suffering from chronic diseases, because of the toxics dropped back in the war, and 500.000 claimed to have died because of the health problems created by the chemical weapons dropped by the US.
This is our common shared problem!
Knowing this, can it really be true that we the humans are capable of such things? And even though we have laws forbidding it, what prevents extremists from, making chemical agents and using them on me, on you or anyone else, to spread fear throughout the world? We need more security when it comes to this; we need to be sure that no living creature will suffer now or in the future.