tirsdag den 22. november 2011


We get heavily manipulated by every show we watch, website we use or news paper we read, is this fair? One might question the way the media present information, and make it more objective, but everything we get news from wants you to share their viewpoint.

The media has changed our views on a lot of things, especially politics. The consumer gets manipulated by the television in almost every commercial; this also goes for election campaigns.

In an election campaign by Obama he made a contest, where people could win a dinner with him, in person[1] He differs majorly by involving the public, his fans and both the black and white community. This of course, acts up in the media, and creates monstrous amounts of attention around him, both by news stations supporting him, and by Republican stations like FOX.

I believe this one of the best stuns made, to get him to be displayed like a good guy, even through the eyes of a republican. Getting attention on every news channel is every candidates dream, and Obama did it every day during the election.

This is one of many examples how the media can win you over a lot of voters, especially by getting attention on the enemy’s news channel.

But the medias intentions are not always all good. After he won the election, and became the president of the U S A, and broke his promise of pulling out all soldiers in Iraq, he got all the spot light, especially by Republican news stations, having him rightfully as a scapegoat. This decreased his popularity drastically, but why would this make the population hate him, its only one broken promise? Because average the American is against war, and when a black person becomes president, and promises to pull back the troops, but instead he spent record high amounts on war[2]. I like Obama, but the fact that, regardless of his anti-war campaign, spent more money on military than Bush did, is absurd, and is no way to treat your voters.

This is only one of many ways the media is able to control voters, and how much power it has in both bringing the good and bad out in people.

However, the consumer often looks at the political viewpoints presented critically. This is good, and it should remain that way. If it doesn’t , they would drown in viewpoints and have no ability to judge whether they agree or disagree, this goes for products, with regular commercials, by letting the customers sub-conscious think about how great it would be with a soda right now. This is done by little flashes the eye won’t catch, and was used in cinemas, but it was banned very quickly.

With that said, the ever-improving communication methods we use, is a necessity to survive in the jungle that consists of the work industries and larger cities.

One might see the excessive use of commercials as a desperate method, to generate more customers, this goes for internet commercials as well. We all know the “you’re visitor number 99,999” to trick people into clicking, and generating ad-money, and forcing a viewer to see their product. These forced commercials are very effective at times, because they can see what your interests are, through last visited sites and so on, so they will have a very good idea about what you like, so they can target the commercial directly at you, and that is a great way of generating sales for any kind of business online.

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