tirsdag den 8. november 2011

Was it a mistake to get involved in Iraq?

Was it a mistake to get involved in Iraq?

Yes, I believe that we made a mistake getting involved in Iraq.
Why – because there is no clear view of why we went into that war. It seems as if no one is sure of the basic reason. But now our new Danish government, and our new foreign minister Villy Søvndal, they want to investigate. So I’ve read in an article from Ritzau Bureau, whose headline says that Villy Søvndal’s top government officers are to be questioned.[1]
Officially, the reason why we entered Iraq was because our then government meant that the Iraqi leader Sadam Hussein was a brutal dictator and a threat to the western world. At that time, we meant that he might be in possession of weapons of mass destruction.[2] Now we want to know why we thought that…

The war has now been going on for so long, that I have no idea about why we still have soldiers in Iraq. I remember when the first Danish soldiers died. It was shocking, and not only for me, but to our whole country. It is terrible when young men/soldiers die, during war – especially now when the war no longer has any purpose. What are they dying for???

I don’t understand the war anymore. I think I did in the beginning, when the World Trade Centers in New York were exposed to terror, and the chase after Sadam Hussein, the dictator began.
Now Sadam is dead, and Ground Zero has become the memorial site of the tragedy on 11th November 2001. The world has kind of moved on, but still our Danish soldiers are risking their lives on Iraqi ground. What for?

War causes sacrifice, sorrows and grief. Has any war ever caused peace? I think not. This will be hard to explain, but to me world peace is, when the government in control, only want what’s best for its people.
I can imagine a world without war, but it’s not ours… So long as the world is full of extremism and people with destructive behavior, there will be war.

War has psychologically destroyed and killed many people in this world. Women has lost their husbands, mothers their sons, sisters their brothers and men their friends. Is that better and fairer than dying of some illness, cancer for example? Does it have it more purpose to die for a country, as one amongst several other fellow soldiers? For some it might…

The military wants young men without family, friends and future. In that way no one gets hurt, if the young man dies during the war. He will have no long-term education, only a little or no job at all, no money, no girlfriend - nothing to fight for, except for his country. This is the perfect soldier.
I will not support that. I will not support a war that has no purpose, and where young men get killed for no purpose.

From where I am (in Denmark, in my home, on my couch), it looks as if the war is fading out finally, and I’m glad about that. Maybe our politicians have finally come to sanity? I was a little disappointed that we turned to socialistic government at this year’s Danish election, because I’m more a right-winged person, but now that Villy Søvndal has taken this matter up for a review, I don’t really mind it anyway.

Yes, I believe that we made a mistake getting involved in Iraq. That is no longer a secret. The war no longer has any purpose.

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